but it"s true being in a couple very hard. and itting, making sacriices,g a perect relationship all o it are hard, uhe right person,that would be easier. i mean looking at that girl,and knowing she"s all you really want out o lie,that should be the easiest thing in the world.』
holding room终于达成了一种和谐的平衡感——旖旎的独白好似耳鬓厮磨,而经译者一番春风化雨的诠释后点点滴滴、润物无声,催得听众们无不为之心神荡漾:“不过只要是对的人,那就不会辛苦,当你看着那个姑娘,知道她就是你这辈子想要的一切,那这些困难就会变成全世界最简单的事儿。”
e day you will uhat none o us vow to be pere the end all romise to love each other with everythi. love"s the best thing we do. i you love something,you ever let it go, not even or a sed,one orever. by sheer lucky, i didhis inal chapter o love story,evehough many unimaginable diiculties.
maybe the universe has a plan,and that plan is always in motion. a butterly laps its wings,and it starts to rain. it"s a scary thought but it"s also kind o wonderul. all these little parts o the mastantly w,maki you ely where you"re supposed to be,exa you"re supposed to be there. the right place at the right time,twice!』