i l about lina jungle, and i"m not a guy who says that lightly. i"m a guy who has aked love his ehought love was just something idiots thought they elt, but this woman has a hold o i ot break i i wao, and there have bee i ran away.
it has been and humbling and even painul at times, but i ot stop loving her,ahan i could st. l am hopelessly, irretrievably ih her,more than she knows,i always thought she would and how much i loved her,but the truth is she loves me in the same way,such a lu huh?』
捧跟任务杨咏恩自是当仁不让,都没给廖湘生、戚思诚、常青等人开口的机会,笑靥如花的她跟朵解语花似的:“梦儿姐指的是待会即将上线的最后一期《才华有限公司,结局妥妥的happy ending啦!”
it"s hilarious that the early bloom o romantics is a w. you meet someone, you have a , and that person bees sheer pere your es. you just d anything wrong with her. you "t wait to tell the world about it,very anxious to vow that you will love her till the end o the world.